Sunday, July 27, 2008

Trying to Remember!

I was sitting here trying to remember what it was that I really wanted to do when I grew up. I laugh at this because just like at 17 I really do not know what it is and really am I grown up yet. I fins that I am needing to have a conversation about this with God because for whatever reason I am having a hard time listening to Him. I am finding that I am having a hard time hearing Him at all lately and as much as it scares me I also know that He is still with me. I am feeling like I am such a mess right now and just do not know which direction to take. I want to go to school, but what for? I am scheduled to take the paraprofessional test and I do not think that is going to work out. I have been trying to scrapbook for a few days now and just cannot seem to be creative and the house is a mess. On the plus side I started therapy this week and I am very excited about getting some of my issues cleared up. I am going to clean the house tomorrow and try to refocus on God and put some order into this crazy life!

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