Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Today is the Beginning!!

So last Easter on Good Friday I was baptised. I choose that day to give my life to the Lord because He had chosen to give His life for me. What I didn't realize is what a change I would go through. Since my divorce I have had so many just sad days not because I wanted my husband back (his betrayal took care of that) but I was sad because from the day my husband left I wanted to just cling to God and I did but how many other people turn from God at a time like this. My pastor was one of the first people I called I didn't know what to do. I went to church that day as it was a Sunday and after service there were several people who just prayed over me. I cannot tell you how much that meant to me. So yes I have my sad moments but God is on my side and I have my babies and God is taking care of us. When I find myself getting angry I pray for peace and comfort so that I may one day find the answers to my questions and only if He wants me to.

As the title suggests to day is the beginning for what I am not sure. I am starting my life over as a single parent and I do not know where this road will lead but I do know who is leading me. I will follow Him to where ever that may be. I am going to be starting college soon. Which is very scary after not being in school for so long. I am reconnecting with old friends. I am finally find my place in this world all because I decided to give my life up for Christ.

It has been 9 months since my divorce was final and I have yet to find one bad thing that has come of it. I believe God knows what is ahead for us and he gives us what He knows we can handle. I am not a believer in divorce. I think it makes things to easy. There are no consequences to our actions. If things would have been different we could have worked through. I am thankful though that I am becoming stronger and independent everyday. If there is ever a moment when I wonder who is going to be there on those sad days I just listen and God says " I AM".

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