Saturday, August 30, 2008

I am constantly amazed!!

I am finding that I am constantly being tested. This is a pretty rough season in my life and I find that the evil one tries to sneak in but I won't let him. I am trying really hard to make something of myself and I really want to go back to school and I will just not as soon as I would like. that was a test for me. I prayed on this for months, well, actually a year just not sure where God was leading me.

Most of you know that I was going to take the paraprofessional test but that became to overwhelming for me so I prayed. I have been doing a lot of that lately and what a difference it makes when you pray and then actually listen, should have done that along time ago. Anyways after a lot of talking I decided that maybe right now I just wasn't mentally ready for that so I decided that I would go to school. In all honesty I knew that that is where God was leading me but I was scared. Starting college 10 years later is a little scary. That is what I need to do though. Tonight I was informed Parker does not want to live in an old house so I guess I better start figuring something out right. Okay so when he said that my heart did hurt a little bit and I got a little angry with his dad but then I prayed. You know what I realized. He is 4 and his Uncle Jay just got a new house and so did his Aunt Erin. And yeah his dad got nicer house but then look who he has to live with I am pretty sure I got the better deal. (Yes i know that was an uncalled for statement but that is what i love about this country. It's called free speech. I am grateful for where I live!) It took a 4 year old saying something to make me realize it but God sometimes uses the little guys to get us adults to listen!

God is constantly amazing me in that way! When sometimes I need to hear certain things and God knows it I sometimes can't believe who is the one He puts the words into. That is why He is the Amazing One!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Today is the Beginning!!

So last Easter on Good Friday I was baptised. I choose that day to give my life to the Lord because He had chosen to give His life for me. What I didn't realize is what a change I would go through. Since my divorce I have had so many just sad days not because I wanted my husband back (his betrayal took care of that) but I was sad because from the day my husband left I wanted to just cling to God and I did but how many other people turn from God at a time like this. My pastor was one of the first people I called I didn't know what to do. I went to church that day as it was a Sunday and after service there were several people who just prayed over me. I cannot tell you how much that meant to me. So yes I have my sad moments but God is on my side and I have my babies and God is taking care of us. When I find myself getting angry I pray for peace and comfort so that I may one day find the answers to my questions and only if He wants me to.

As the title suggests to day is the beginning for what I am not sure. I am starting my life over as a single parent and I do not know where this road will lead but I do know who is leading me. I will follow Him to where ever that may be. I am going to be starting college soon. Which is very scary after not being in school for so long. I am reconnecting with old friends. I am finally find my place in this world all because I decided to give my life up for Christ.

It has been 9 months since my divorce was final and I have yet to find one bad thing that has come of it. I believe God knows what is ahead for us and he gives us what He knows we can handle. I am not a believer in divorce. I think it makes things to easy. There are no consequences to our actions. If things would have been different we could have worked through. I am thankful though that I am becoming stronger and independent everyday. If there is ever a moment when I wonder who is going to be there on those sad days I just listen and God says " I AM".

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Do You Really Want To Know?

That is the question I keep asking myself about so many things. Life in general has been alright. I am loving the boys as they start to really grow up. L is becoming quite the little scrapper and I don't mean the kind of scrapper his mommy is. I mean the hitting his brother kind of scrapper. I know he is a boy and that is what boys do but P and L are starting to really fight and I am a girl and girls do not like fights. So I want to ask why do boys fight but do I really want to know? Not so much I would just rather them not do it. Hey I am a mom alright!

I went to my 10 year high school reunion the other night and it was fun. I fought going all day. I didn't really want to see anyone. No offense to those I did see I enjoyed seeing you and I am glad I saw you. I just didn't know what to expect. I had pulled myself away for so long that I wasn't sure I would be welcomed back. I find that I am starting to really open up again. So I find myself asking do I really want to know why I closed myself off. I can answer a big NO!! If I did that I would see that I probably shouldn't have gotten married in the first place. If I hadn't done that I wouldn't have my boys (have you seen them. They are totally worth all this) and I would have gotten to know some of my very best friends.

I saw this very nice looking man the other day with his 2 little kids and I wanted to cry. Which of course I want to do alot of latily, this was different though. I saw something in him that I see in myself (yes I know I am female and he is male just go with it though) at times. He looked so in love with his kids but so tired. I knew the look from the very start I wear it alot. I realized then that I am not doing myself or the boys any good when I don't rest properly. It makes you more irritable with people in general and lets face it the kids are the one suffer. So I ask myself do I really want to know what life is like at 1 am every night? Oh heck no!! (Are you sensing a theme here!) For the record i do not stay up until 1 am every night most night I am in bed by 9 pm. I am an old lady that way but I have been staying up later these last few weeks and I can tell a difference in my attitude because of it.

So in reality I don't really want to know why things are the way they are. I am just happy learning from my experiences and growing in God. Some of who are reading this and saying Oh no she is a Jesus freak and yes I am. without Him I would not be where i am at today and you wouldn't be in my life so deal with it! God is the one with the answers and I am putting my trust in Him to heal these wounds and to take me where I need to be.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I Still Love You!!

I have not forgotten you! I have been a little neglectful though. Honestly I am just writing to say I will be back soon and that I am just busy being mommy right now. I have lots of fun stuff to say but it isn't finalized yet. I can give you a hint though. I am finally doing something that will bring more time away from fun but in the end will benefit my little family!