Thursday, September 10, 2009

And You Thought I Was Dumb!!

God is changing things in my life once again. I am finally seeing the path I should be on and I am slowly headed in that direction. That is not what I am here to talk about though. Since Pman as started school and I have had to get up at 6:30 to get him ready I have realized that our lives our on the fast track to growing up even if I am not ready. I realized this most the other day when Pman was very upset when he had another day off from school he didn't want another day off. At that moment I realized I wasn't as dumb as I thought I have taught my boys so much more than I thought. We may not have money but we have so much more and the fact that my son is so excited to learn is amazing! I am starting to see I may not have all the anwsers but Pman and Little D are s0 eager to learn and expand their minds that even if I didn't make all the right choices they will learn from me and make the changes that will make their futures brighter. God has a plan for the 3 of us and we are well on our way. R is a part of that plan I believe and every day I wake up knowing how much he loves us and how lucky we stepped out of the fear and took a chance. I am amazed at the man he is and never thought I would find a man like him. I am certainly not dumb and I am counting my blessings everyday!!